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Fund a Dream Program

What is the Fund a Dream Scholarship Program?

This program gives Rosemead youth from low and moderate-income families an opportunity to participate in Rosemead's Recreation enrichment classes/activities at a reduced fee. The Fund a Dream Program will be supported through contributions from local businesses, community organizations, and individuals.
Why Give?
Your tax-deductible gift will help enrich the lives of the youth in the community by making classes and programs more accessible while also providing a lasting impact in their lives. Our goal is to help youth in Rosemead by providing positive experiences and we need partners, like yourself, to ensure the success of the program. If you decide to contribute, the City will recognize your company as a sponsor. A donation of any amount will be gladly accepted.

If you have questions about supporting the Fund a Dream Program, please contact Jennifer Pineda at (626) 569-2162 or email
[email protected].

How to Make a Donation
Donations can be made by 2 of the following ways:

1) By Mail: Department of Parks and Recreation, attn: Fund a Dream Program, 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, CA 91770

2) Credit Card Payment- Please complete the Credit Card Authorization Form and send to [email protected].